CBSE School in Belagavi

To create naturalistic & holistic development of students that empowers & inspires our students in leveraging the best practices of both traditional & contemporary schools of education.

To impart a student-centric learning environment to develop leadership qualities, self-discipline & self confidence through unique approach, to achieve students excellence in academics, co-curricular activities & sports.
We are the Jainites, say hello hey hello
Cheer the green blue, cheer the purple, yellow
We dream big, smile wide, and persist mellow
Where the seeds of ethics, and knowledge are sown
We go to the school, that taught us right and wrong
Respect, discipline, integrity, sympathy
Our hearts are filled, with courtesy and empathy
Let’s play the anthem, with love and pride
For the school where we learn, the lessons in stride
We shall rise high, we are the Jainites,
The torch bearers, and those that ignite!
We promise to mark, our footprints and shine
All the Jainites, let’s say hello hey hello
All the Jainites, say hello hey hello……..